Monday, August 2, 2010

Joie Journal: Ocean Currents

Dear Diary,

I have sometimes felt as if I fell out of a coconut tree, as we like to say in Trinidad. Sometimes God can seem quite far away. Yet, when I look back, I can see that the currents of life are taking me somewhere. One minute I may feel as if I’m bobbing aimlessly on the ocean, and then an undercurrent begins to carry me in a distinct direction. That’s God steering me towards a harbor. I know this somewhere in my heart, and it anchors me. My trust in God anchors my hope way down deep where it is still and where the storms of life cannot move me. God’s very breath fills my sails and takes me to a safe place. His Word is my compass. His Word is my navigator. His Word is my travel map. I am voyaging with the Admiral at the helm.

I meet people all the time who have no sense of the grandiosity of purpose; who simply live for the next thrill – another party, another bottoms-up, another chance to experiment and take their own life into their own hands – to walk their own plank to the bottomless deep. Why would I want to live like that? Why would anyone want to live like that? … when there are majestic oceans to be explored, sunken treasures to be discovered, grand adventures to be had and limitless possibilities to live through. Knowing God is all of that - a vastly beautiful experience. Sometimes being God’s vessel means tears and sorrow, and sometimes it means joy indescribable. Sometimes I weep, sometimes I laugh, and sometimes I do both all at the same time; but one thing I am certain of … there’s no other place I’d want to be. I can’t wait to see what lies beyond the horizon!

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