Monday, November 29, 2010

The Summer Festival

Lanterns lit up the night with a festive glow, their glowing colours hanging about the evening and showering the neighbourood park with warm delight. Children, families, grannies, grandpas, everybody were there. They greeted, played, laughed, enjoying all kinds of yummy treats that you can find at Japanese festivals. What I loved most, though, was how they danced. One by one they came, until there was a ring of merry-makers circling the Taiko drummers with graceful steps and elegant hand motions. Round and round and round they danced, weaving in and out of a merry folk melody, stepping ever so gracefully in their elegant kimonos. It was a dance of celebration, a dance of village pride, a dance of delight in so many people coming together to share a singular experience. I joyed in their joy. Melody poured mirth into my being, lanterns lit up my soul and I was as drunk with delight as a field of flowers drinking in a drizzle of sake-wine. Circling, circling, lanterns glowing, circling, circling, round and round, music dancing, elegance clapping, round and round, circling, circling. Giddy, giddy with joy. Dizzy, giddy joy and delirious delight circling through the night.

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