Saturday, July 3, 2010

Building Myself Up

O Lord, I thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. The psalmist says that you stoop down to make me great. You come down to my level so that I can relate to you on yours. I love your ways God because they are perfect. I love when you talk to me and help me see things from your perspective. Thank you for teaching me how to build my life. You are the architect of my path. You are the designer of my times and seasons. As I walk through dark times and dark days, let my foundation be on the rock. Let my heart remain soft towards you so that I always obey you, for therein lies strength that cannot be broken by the storms of life or the howling winds of change. You are my God and my confidence is in You! You are my fortress. You are a wall and hedge about me. You are my hope into the future. I know that you know best and in that I find comfort. This house will stand firm as its design comes from you, the Master Architect, Master Builder and Master Project Manager. Everything will be built to specification, every standard of integrity will be met. I’ll build with the best materials – with faith, hope, love, joy, wisdom and all the good things I see in you. I’ll build according to your time, so let your tic, toc inside of me. Help me to know my times and seasons. I thank you, Lord, in and for all things. I may not see the whole picture, but I trust you. Everyone has a ‘house’ but not everyone is Your home. Let this life you are building be Your home!

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