Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Beauty of Wisdom

Wisdom is the grace of a flower, unfolding petal by petal. It is the patience of perfection. It is a seed waiting in the dark of the soil, yet feeling the warmth of the sun, and the kindness of rain – always hoping, always trusting, always reaching for the sky, looking for God. Wisdom waits, even when the waiting is long. Even as a seed she looks to what she will become. Wisdom is patient trust in a sweet promise that sings with every new dawn. Every green shoot, every young leaf, every tender bud takes her to her tomorrow. Wisdom waits. Wisdom hopes. Wisdom trusts. Wisdom knows that there is a sweet reward for waiting – the grace of a flower, unfolding petal by petal unto her crowning moment. As she blossoms and the birds drink in her sweetness, and the sun catches her hues, and the world warms to her charm, she offers spring perfume to God singing, “Thank you for planting me in autumn, thank you for keeping me through winter, thank you for giving me joy in spring, thank you making me dance in summer, thank you for clothing me in finery more exquisite than the robes of Solomon. Thank you! Thank you! How I thank you! Thank you for making me beautiful in my time! Everything is lovely! Everything is perfect! Your artistry, your design, your craftsmanship makes me glow.”

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