Friday, January 1, 2010

The Fruit Basket

The Fruit Basket

Ah makin’ market today
Wid basket in hand
Ah well on meh way
Hummin’ a song full o’ sunshine
Singin’ a tune from meh heart
Ah need to buy fruits before all sell out
So ah makin’ a dawn-early start

Ah walk a mile tru de mornin’
Ah walk wid basket to fill
If sun shinin’ nice or steady rain pourin’
Ah makin’ market still

Ah ha’ money in meh wallet
An’ ah write dong what ah need
Ah chook dem in meh pocket
Dong meh dress, whe maco cyah peep

Ah makin’ market today
Wid basket in hand
Ah well on meh way
All ah tong buyin’ an’ sellin’
It ha’ plenty produce fuh so
Ah could hear all kinda vendor callin’ out
But ah head straight fuh de One ah know!

Ah sure to get de sweetest pickin’s
Nottin’ wid bobo or bruise
Ah surely lookin’ fuh one sweet lickin’
If is dat kinda fruit ah choose

What a pound fuh yuh breadfruit?
How yuh sellin’ yuh plum?
Yuh have any ripe fig or mango?
Yuh could sell meh some?

Ah need love an’ joy in meh basket
Peace, kindness, self-control,
Guava season cyah bring macafourchette
Dis fruit always bearin’, yuh know

Ah go pay wid a Yes-Lord shillin’
Ah go buy wid how-high pence
Ah go dip in meh wallet joyful an’ willin’
To fill meh basket wid righteous sense

Ah make one sweet market today
Wid basket in hand
Ah now on meh way
To share goodness wid all meh neighbours
An' meh sistren, bredren an’ dem
Meh basket eh fill to feed just me
Dis bounty does bear for all men!

Put dat on yuh scale fuh meh!


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