Saturday, April 17, 2010

Run Olympian!

God is the author and finisher of my Faith. He is also the one who has scripted my race, and yours as well; the one who has designed a course for all of us to run. My race is not yours, and yours is not mine. So I keep my eyes fixed on the Finish. I won’t stare or veer with green-eyed distraction into the lane next to mine. I keep my eyes on the prize – the gold of God’s commendation – well done, good and faithful servant! I hear His Fatherly urging, His Kingly coaching …

Remember to don the right shoes and athletic wear; brand them with the Kingdom. Put on your garments of righteousness – that desire to please God that sets your feet moving towards His will. I’ll be cheering you on along the way, along with a countless sea of other fans and gone-before supporters. I’ll hand you a bottle of energizing fluid now and again – the sweetness of my Word, the refreshing encouragement of my counsel. It will keep your chin up and your hope ever straining towards your season of completion.

I know you’ve been paying attention to your diet. Yes, you’ve been munching on your nutrient bars, enjoying sweet and life-giving fruits, and nutrition-packed sandwiches. Yes, musing on scripture until it comes alive in your heart, cultivating the fruit of the Spirit, and devouring my Word like the hungry athlete that you are; hungry for God’s approval, hungry for glory that never fades – the joy of being with God forever, knowing that you will run a race that will have Him standing and cheering and punching the air and crowning you with laurels of joy.

So yes, run your race. Sometimes it will be a sprint; sometimes a marathon; sometimes an obstacle course; sometimes a hurdle event; but know that you do not run alone. For this is a grand relay with a baton of faith being passed from one generation to the next; from ancient times to your time and beyond. So hold that baton firmly. Hand it over surely. For while you run a single race, you also follow the course of all Abraham’s lineage. You are one of many keys to the Finish.

Race towards your reward, but remember to respect the rules of the games. Stay within your lane. Run your race. Keep to the course. It is marked by my voice on your right and left, directing your steps. Be honest. Be noble and full of grace. Show kindness to your fellow-competitors. Run worthy of your calling. Yes, race towards your reward, but pace yourself according to my plan. Sometimes the slower you run the faster your destination will greet you. Yet there will be times when you will need to hasten your step. Still, know that the strategy is in my wisdom, in my knowing. Be careful to set your speed to my counsel.

Now, run O athlete! Run Olympian! Stride in joy. Stride in faith. The golden ribbon is waiting for you to burst through in victory. Your trophy has been set aside. It is clear gold and studded with precious jewels. Every godly gem that shines in you glitters on your heavenly prize. Your name is inscribed in its glow … for I know … You have been trained to outsprint, to outlast, to overcome; designed to be a running man, to keep pace with the swift; to outrace the wind; a champion of your course and a legend of Faith. So run, Olympian. Run! The End is not far off. The End is drawing near. It hears the thunder of your pace and races towards its crowning moment. Do you not hear it! Do you not feel it shake the earth! Your time is now! Your time is coming! O Olympian, run!


1 comment:

  1. This is nice Nneka, good job and positive words of encouragement and guidance. Thanks honey.
