Thursday, March 25, 2010

Taiko Thunder


Taiko Thunder

the best group I’ve heard so far in my city …

They stormed down upon their drums with furious energy, delighting a growing crowd. Even as they moved in and out of varied formations, they never missed a beat. The energy and exuberance were like a drizzle of rain tapping on your window amplified to a typhoon storming around a secure castle. As the drums boomed and the players echoed their rallying cries, bolts of festive excitement zinged in every direction. They hammered on their instruments in a joyous blur of sweet pandemonium. They would sometimes shoot up into the air and then descend upon their drums with thunderous syncopation, diving into a booming burst of percussive fireworks.

They beat upon their drums like an elephant stampede pounding across an African plain. Thunder rumbled through my soul with fierce delight. Grand pulsations battered my being with seismic celebration. It was an awesome display of mighty musicianship which was simply unforgettable. My words are but a pale shadow. That colourful masquerade of sound poured into my senses like a thunderous waterfall cascading; crashing with roaring magnificence onto rocks below, then bursting into a spray of misty rainbows. Words fail me, I’m afraid. The live experience rocketed light-years beyond the frequency of language. It has blasted my pen into the outer reaches of space.


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