Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Beauty of Worship

Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.
Know that the Lord is God.
It is he who made us, and we are his;
we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
Psalm 100:1-3

Sing, Dance and Make Music

Praise the Lord.
Sing to the Lord a new song,
his praise in the assembly of the saints.
Let Israel rejoice in their Maker;
let the people of Zion be glad in their King.
Let them praise his name with dancing
and make music to him with tambourine and harp.
For the Lord takes delight in his people;
he crowns the humble with salvation.
Let the saints rejoice in this honor
and sing for joy on their beds.
Psalm 149:1-5

Clap Your Hands

Clap your hands, all you nations;
shout to God with cries of joy.
How awesome is the Lord Most High,
the great King over all the earth!
Psalm 47:1-2

Give Thanks

Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs.
Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord,
always giving thanks to God the Father for everything,
in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 5:19-20

Rejoice with Musical Instruments

Praise the Lord.
Praise God in his sanctuary;
praise him in his mighty heavens.
Praise him for his acts of power;
praise him for his surpassing greatness.
Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet,
praise him with the harp and lyre,
praise him with tambourine and dancing,
praise him with the strings and flute,
praise him with the clash of cymbals,
praise him with resounding cymbals.
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.

Psalm 150


Then Job arose, tore his robe, and shaved his head;
And he fell to the ground and worshiped
Job 1:20

Worship is like a rainbow bridge that is as multi-hued as its coloured bands – a bridge that takes us to another realm and allows us to touch the golden perfection of God in His many dimensions. Worship is about language, music, dance, imagery, posture. Worship is a deeper experience than simply singing. It is an outpouring of the heart that fountains from our spirit, streaming loyalty, thanksgiving and strength towards God which in turn waters our soul with sweetness, majesty, nobility, encouragement, and sight. Worship is not only an experience. It’s about lifestyle. Simply living to honour God is, in fact, our highest act of worship. When Job fell down and worshipped God in the midst of overwhelming personal tragedy, it was simply a reflexive response which sprung from His daily walk with God. His act of worship and His actual lifestyle flowed seamlessly one into the other.

I have walked through many desert seasons, and through them all God has taught me the beauty of worship. Worship is really all about honouring God, yet it somehow, supernaturally also waters our very being. When I sing to God, whether in joy or in sorrow, springs of encouragement refresh my soul. It’s all about Him … yet He pours sweet sensings and sensations right back into me.

Music is a key component of worship. A soulful instrumental piece is worship. Celebration in song is worship. Humming in thankfulness is worship. Making melody from the heart is worship. At the same time, though, making faith-filled declarations about God’s goodness without a single note being played is also worship.

Worship is a God-breathed concept, designed by God Himself; and when God designs anything, He has not only aesthetic but also practical value in mind. Consider the person in the Bible most associated with worship – King David. He was warrior, king, poet, composer and pioneer. He is known as the one who loved God with all his heart and strength. The complexity of His charácter reflects the multi-dimensional sophistication of worship and of God Himself. It also points to the close association between worship and spiritual warfare.

When dark designs are intent on setting up blockades around our life, worship allows God to open a path before us and create the perfect way out. Worship bouys up our faith and allows us to partner with God in creating new possibilities and favourable life outcomes … even against seemingly undefeatable odds. Just think of those massive Jericho walls and the simple strategy which brought them down. They were felled by placing the worshippers at the head of the ranks … God was clearly making a point.

Worship has many dimensions – dimensions as endless as God Himself. Worship is the voice of music, a dance of joy, the sound of singing, and a proclamation gold-gilded with faith. Worship is making life choices that honour God. Worship is making music in God’s heart.

Along the Dusty Way

Along the Dusty Way

Along the ways
For coach and cart
Lie inns for rest and care
There no guest be unwelcome
Save the dust of traveling wares

Come O daughter
Come O son
Come and rest a while
Don fresh robes of green and mauve
Trail your scarves of weavings gold
Come lay down your weary loads

Come O children
Royal seed
Come and sip cool wine
Don new silks of royal blue
Cottons of fine workings hued
Come rejoice with fragrance new

Come O treasure
Chosen heirs
Come dance in link-armed rounds
Refresh your souls in chorus song
Lift your hearts to shake dust’s bonds
Set off now in the springing dawn

Along the way
As the dust doth blow
Cheer your heart in praise
Days when you no hospice find
Rest inn hands upraised


The Romantic

The Romantic

Shoulders tight, work weary
Pour a glass of fine, red wine
Feel it soothe away the ache
Warm and mellow
Sweet and smooth
Sip to the strain of soulful companions
A deep cello, provocative piano
Low vibes from a humming bass
They charm; they lull
To a land of sweet dreams
Nothing but Never Never scenes


Taiko Thunder


Taiko Thunder

the best group I’ve heard so far in my city …

They stormed down upon their drums with furious energy, delighting a growing crowd. Even as they moved in and out of varied formations, they never missed a beat. The energy and exuberance were like a drizzle of rain tapping on your window amplified to a typhoon storming around a secure castle. As the drums boomed and the players echoed their rallying cries, bolts of festive excitement zinged in every direction. They hammered on their instruments in a joyous blur of sweet pandemonium. They would sometimes shoot up into the air and then descend upon their drums with thunderous syncopation, diving into a booming burst of percussive fireworks.

They beat upon their drums like an elephant stampede pounding across an African plain. Thunder rumbled through my soul with fierce delight. Grand pulsations battered my being with seismic celebration. It was an awesome display of mighty musicianship which was simply unforgettable. My words are but a pale shadow. That colourful masquerade of sound poured into my senses like a thunderous waterfall cascading; crashing with roaring magnificence onto rocks below, then bursting into a spray of misty rainbows. Words fail me, I’m afraid. The live experience rocketed light-years beyond the frequency of language. It has blasted my pen into the outer reaches of space.
