Then Job arose, tore his robe, and shaved his head;
And he fell to the ground and worshiped
Job 1:20
Worship is like a rainbow bridge that is as multi-hued as its coloured bands – a bridge that takes us to another realm and allows us to touch the golden perfection of God in His many dimensions. Worship is about language, music, dance, imagery, posture. Worship is a deeper experience than simply singing. It is an outpouring of the heart that fountains from our spirit, streaming loyalty, thanksgiving and strength towards God which in turn waters our soul with sweetness, majesty, nobility, encouragement, and sight. Worship is not only an experience. It’s about lifestyle. Simply living to honour God is, in fact, our highest act of worship. When Job fell down and worshipped God in the midst of overwhelming personal tragedy, it was simply a reflexive response which sprung from His daily walk with God. His act of worship and His actual lifestyle flowed seamlessly one into the other.
I have walked through many desert seasons, and through them all God has taught me the beauty of worship. Worship is really all about honouring God, yet it somehow, supernaturally also waters our very being. When I sing to God, whether in joy or in sorrow, springs of encouragement refresh my soul. It’s all about Him … yet He pours sweet sensings and sensations right back into me.
Music is a key component of worship. A soulful instrumental piece is worship. Celebration in song is worship. Humming in thankfulness is worship. Making melody from the heart is worship. At the same time, though, making faith-filled declarations about God’s goodness without a single note being played is also worship.
Worship is a God-breathed concept, designed by God Himself; and when God designs anything, He has not only aesthetic but also practical value in mind. Consider the person in the Bible most associated with worship – King David. He was warrior, king, poet, composer and pioneer. He is known as the one who loved God with all his heart and strength. The complexity of His charácter reflects the multi-dimensional sophistication of worship and of God Himself. It also points to the close association between worship and spiritual warfare.
When dark designs are intent on setting up blockades around our life, worship allows God to open a path before us and create the perfect way out. Worship bouys up our faith and allows us to partner with God in creating new possibilities and favourable life outcomes … even against seemingly undefeatable odds. Just think of those massive Jericho walls and the simple strategy which brought them down. They were felled by placing the worshippers at the head of the ranks … God was clearly making a point.
Worship has many dimensions – dimensions as endless as God Himself. Worship is the voice of music, a dance of joy, the sound of singing, and a proclamation gold-gilded with faith. Worship is making life choices that honour God. Worship is making music in God’s heart.